The 12nd Congress of Women’s Entrepreneurship in the Adriatic and Ionian Area it will be hosted in the wider context ofVisionaria, Adriatic Forum on Innovation, organised by the Chamber of Commerce Chieti Pescara and its Development Agency.
The Congress, in the field of sustainability and innovation, aims to provide an interregional perspective on the best practices and on the prevailing challenges in increasing theeconomic emancipation women and business activities in the Adriatic and Ionian macro-region.
Key topics of the Congress will be women’s empowerment for business development with a focus on the role of women in the world of work and the role of the chamber system in the accompaniment of SMEs, especially women.
There will also be time for testimonials of Entrepreneurs they have invested in the perspective of sustainability and innovation without neglecting the competitive aspects inherent to each economic activity.
The congress will also be an opportunity to deepen and make some reflections on future scenarios in the light of the double ecological and digital transition and to start a discussion on the economic Opportunities that there are for Italian companies and entrepreneurs in the Ionian Adriatic area.
The event will aim to develop and strengthening institutional and economic collaboration among Italian entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs in the area and to provide a concrete opportunity for meeting and discussion in the light of the opportunities deriving from the NRPR and to stimulate local, national and European forms of networking.

Wednesday, 23 November
09:30 Registration of participants
10:00 Institutional greetings and opening work
Moderator: Michele De Vita, Secretary General of the Chamber of Commerce Chieti Pescara and the Forum of the Adriatic and Ionian Chambers of Commerce.
- Gennaro Strever, President of the Chamber of Commerce Chieti Pescara
- Joze Tomaš, President of the Forum of the Adriatic and Ionian Chambers of Commerce (online)
- AMB. Fabio Pigliapoco, director of the Permanent Secretariat of the Adriatic Ionian Initiative
- Nicoletta Verì, Councillor for Equal Opportunities of the Abruzzo Region
- Antonella Ballone, President of the Chamber of Commerce of Gran Sasso
- Liudmyla Sizikova, Chairman of the Women’s Entrepreneurship Committee and first vice president of Kyiv Chamber of Commerce and Industry (online)
Signing ceremony of the Convention between the Permanent Secretariat AII and AIC Forum — Western-Balkanship Project
- AMB. Giovanni Castellaneta, Secretary-General of the Adriatic Ionian Initiative
- Michele De Vita, Secretary-General of the AIC Forum
10:45-11:15 European networks for the enhancement of women’s entrepreneurship
Moderator: Matteo La Torre, senior researcher of the Department of Economics of the University “G. D’Annunzio” Chieti Pescara
- Marina Rozić, President of Eurochambres Women Network (online)
- Sanja Popović Pantić, Chair of the EEN Thematic Group on Women’s Entrepreneurship (online)
- Andrea Meleš, European Innovation Council and SME Executive Agency (EISMEA) (online)
11:15-12.30 BREADL1: Women’s empowerment for business development — the role of the Chambers of Commerce
Moderator: Matteo La Torre, Senior researcher of the Department of Economics of the University “G. D’Annunzio” Chieti Pescara
- Patrizia Di Tullio, Department of Economics of the University “G. D’Annunzio” Chieti Pescara
- Tiziana Pompeii, Deputy Secretary General of Unioncamere Italy
- Luciana Ferrone, Chairman of the Committee for Women’s Entrepreneurship of the Chamber of Commerce Chieti Pescara
- Nikolina Trojić, President of the Dubrovnik Chamber of Commerce
- Sofia Kounenaki Efraimoglou, President of the Athens Chamber of Commerce (online)
- Danijela Lovrić, Department of Tourism Association of the Chamber of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Ana Filipovic, Secretary of the Council for the Coordination of Women’s Entrepreneurship Chamber of Economy of Montenegro
12:30-13:00 Teconstimony of entrepreneurs who have invested in the perspective of sustainability and innovation
- Dragica Jerkov, Director of Fema — Split, member of KRUG — Croatian entrepreneurs — RAISE Youth initiative (Croatia)
- Silvia D’Alessandro — Directorate-General Gegel Srl, Chieti
13:00 Lunch at Visionaria
Moderator: Maura Di Marco, Head of Press and Communication Chamber of Commerce Chieti Pescara
14:00-14:45 Focus Country and opportunities for Italian companies: Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia Herzegovina
- Sandra Di Carlo, Director of the ICE Office in Zagreb and Sarajevo
- Serenella Marzoli, Director of the ICE Office in Ljubljana
- Simona Simulyte, Coordinator of the EIW3 Consortium — Erasmus for Youth
Entrepreneurs - Q & A
14:45-15:45 PANEL 2: Focus on the economic opportunities of the Adriatic-Ionian area
- Letizia Scastiglia, President of the Development Agency, Special Company of the Chamber of Commerce Chieti Pescara
- Sanja Šimić, Director of the Digital Development Centre — Croatian Chamber of Economy (online)
- Ivana Marić, Director of the Department of Economics, Commerce and Technological and Digital Innovations of the Municipality of Mostar
- Jenny Pagge, Prof. University of Ioannina, Director of Lab of New Technologies and Distance Learning (online)
- Xhabija Flutura, President and CEO of SHGPAZ — Albanian Association of Business Professionals and Qualified Craftsmen
15:45-16:30 Testimonials of entrepreneurs from the Adriatic Ionian area who have invested in the perspective of sustainability and innovation
- Raffaella De Sabbata, CEO ATOMAT Spa, Pordenone -Udine (Italy)
- Jasna Pejović, CEO Flourish and CEO DigitalBee (Montenegro)
- Giovanna Toscano, CEO Scuola CeF, Brindisi (Italy)
- My Gagro, Manager Hotel Buna, Mostar (Bosnia-Eerzegovina)
16:30 Final Observations and Closure
- Terezina Orlic, Former President of the Chamber of Economy of Dubrovnik and member of the Board of Directors of the AIC Forum