The Visionaries

Letizia Scastiglia 53 years old was born and lives in Chieti, married with two sons Stefano and Chiara is Provincial Director of the CNA-National Confederation of the Small and Medium Enterprise of Chieti, in the Chamber of Commerce of Chieti Pescara as well as being a member of the Chamber of Commerce of Chieti Pescara, by delegation of the President of the Chamber of Commerce of Chieti Pescara, the role of President of the Development Agency-Special Company of the Chamber of Commerce of Chieti Pescara from 23/10/2018, already held from 2011 to 2015, before the start of the process that led to the merger of the two Chambers of Commerce of Chieti and Pescara.
She is convinced that the Development Agency, together with the local and national chamber system, can play an important role in supporting the entrepreneurial system by leveraging the ability to promote innovation, training and internationalisation. The method it proposes is based on consultation and sharing, reinforcing the concept of networking that is vital to the success of local development initiatives.
He coordinates the grouping of CNA Impresa Donna in Abruzzo, he is Vice President of the Advisory Committee of the INAIL of Chieti.
Antonio Romeo is Director of Dintec, a company of the Camera System and Enea, where he has been working for over twenty years coordinating national projects on numerous issues related to digitalisation, innovation, quality and sustainability. In 2017 he followed the birth of the PID network, the Digital Business Points of the Chambers of Commerce, of which he is the national coordinator on behalf of Unioncamere. She has participated in the work of the UNI Technical Commission which has dealt with the writing of the rules on “innovation manager” and today coordinates the Working Group on “digital skills”. He is currently a member of the Accreditation Committee of ACCREDIA, the Central Technical Commission and the Directing Cabin on the Digitalisation of UNI and of Strategic Committees of Technology Transfer Projects with CNR and ENEA.
Roberto Spezie received a degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Padua (Italy) and has worked in various electrical companies, in the fields of Electricity Production, Transmission and Distribution. He is the author of numerous scientific publications, of Patents for Industrial Inventions and Design Models. Coming from ASM Brescia and A2A, she started working in Terna in 2010, first in the Engineering Office of Padua, then in Turin and finally in Rome, holding the roles of Head of the Plants Realisation Area (Padua and Turin), then as Head of the Transmission Operational Area of Turin and finally as Head of the Technology Structure of the Engineering Directorate of Rome. Spices has worked on the authorisation, design and construction of power plants, power stations and high voltage lines, examining technical and authorisation issues such as the mitigation of electric and magnetic fields, as well as the creation of innovative engineering solutions to harmonise the good technique with the needs of environmental and social sustainability of the works.
Sabrina Romano architect and technologist at the Department of Energy Technologies and Renewable Sources of ENEA where she deals with the study and design of sustainable urban models related to the themes of Smart City: smart homes and buildings, communities and energy networks.
Graduated in Geological Sciences from the University of Bologna in 1982 he practiced the profession of Geologist in Italy and abroad as a consultant for Enterprises, Societies and Public Bodies. Since 1997 he joined the University of Chieti Pescara, belonging to the Scientific Disciplinary Sector of Applied Geology. He was Scientific Manager of national and international research projects, on techniques of exploration of the subsoil at small and medium depth, on site effects in the studies for the assessment of seismic risk, on renewable energies (hydroelectric and geothermal). He is currently the Scientific Manager of the AICS-CASTES Project for the formation of Geologists at the University of El Salvador funded by Italian Cooperation. He is the author of a hundred scientific publications in national and international journals.
Energy manager and member of Legambiente’s secretariat.
Project Manager of projects in support of the development of SMEs, the enhancement of territories and technological innovation Ideation, development and management of the Mirabilia Newtwork Project (now Mirabilia Network Association) Expert of structured funds of regional development, policy and European legislation.
Digital Transformation Specialist for SMEs c/o I-LAB/PID CCIAA Sassari
I help businesses, tourism companies and destinations increase their profits by improving the accessibility of their facilities for people with disabilities, seniors and families with young children, not forgetting who has food intolerances. 30 years of national and international experience in Accessible Tourism, since 2008 CEO of Village for all V4A® tourism innovation company, specialised in Accessible Hospitality and Inclusion. Trainer, transformer, inventor, innovator, revolutionary, brave entrepreneur, I have been defined in many ways. My mission? Disabled people who make tourism are tourists!
Visit the blog where I write
We are digital natives with a pioneering approach to developing and implementing innovative and green technology solutions for companies.
Director of the Italian Chamber of Commerce for Switzerland since July 2012, specialised in coaching at PMi and development of growth plans on foreign markets, he is the author of a book Oltrefrontiera, Caosfera-2011) and articles, published on the website He studied and worked in Italy and abroad, obtaining an MBA in Zurich.
Simone D’Alessandro. University Professor of Sociology of Creative Processes. Research Director of Hubruzzo Fondazione Industria Responsible. Director of Carsa. Journalist and writer. Among its 87 publications: Towards a Sociology of Innovation Ecosystems, Italian Sociological Review Vol. 12, no. 3, 2022.
Head of the innovation area of Dintec scrl, an inhouse company of Unioncamere, he is involved in the development of models of assessment of the digital maturity of companies and of support systems for business orientation, also through artificial intelligence technologies. He is responsible for the technical secretariat of PIDs (Digital Enterprise Points): the network of Chambers of Commerce that accompanies SMEs towards digital transformation and 4.0 technologies. He was part of the OECD’s Italian working group “Incentivising Business Investment in Skills”. He was part of the steering committee of the Italian Industry 4.0 cluster “Incentivising Business Investment in Skills”. He was the founder of a high tech start-up. President of the Alumni of the Master in Innovation Management of the Sant’Anna School of Pisa. Physicist in the laser-Plasma interaction team of Berkeley National Laboratory (USA).
I am Antonio Tonini, born in 1963, graduated in mathematics, work in InfoCamere, the company of the Italian Chambers of Commerce for digital innovation (over 1000 employees, 115 million of production value). I am fortunate to work with a team of excellent colleagues, we follow the digital services of the Chambers and initiatives towards businesses, respecting the characteristics of the individual territories and the different economic realities
Engineer, CEO of Vision Device, which manufactures industrial plants through Artificial Vision and has among its customers important national and international companies. Expert and consultant on technological innovation, President ITS Meccanica and Informatica Abruzzo, Adviser in Confindustria and Polo Automotive
Rosanna Tedeschini has been Project Manager at Infocamere SCPA since 2022. Previously for Infocamere scpa he held the professional roles of Senior Product Manager and Client Consultant with the task of designing, promoting and managing new design initiatives and new services at the Chambers of Commerce; he started his professional career as Information Broker at Cerved SPA
Francesco is the founder of QualySense, a Swiss company that creates new standards for quality control, enhancement and recovery of agricultural products and that has customers all over the world. She has a degree in aerospace engineering, a PhD in Natural Sciences and speaks 4 languages. He is a passionate entrepreneur, driven by the passion and talent of his colleagues.
Vastarredo is the story of a company in which wood and steel, noble materials, are shaped by expert hands that transform them into comfortable, ergonomic products with an essential design. This reality, a leader in the evolution of school furniture in Europe, from the beginning of the 1960s to today, has based its success on the pillar of a family management that finds its roots in the post-war period. It is in that historical phase of post-war reconstruction that a vast man named Remo Salvatorelli begins an entrepreneurial journey linked to the territory and with his gaze turned to tomorrow. Continuous research, innovation, industrial know-how and environmental sustainability: these are the characteristics of a company from a local reality to an international group. In a process of constant refinement, the selection of the most performing materials and components, and the raising of production and assembly standards, are activities carefully codified in the company’s complex production chain. All with the advantage, for those who choose the brand, to obtain a safe and durable product, guaranteed by a sophisticated industrial process. The production, as President Emidio Salvatorelli specifies, is followed in all its phases by technicians who verify and verify the technological adequacy, industrialisation and quality. In addition, the company was born a stone’s throw from the Regional Natural Reserve of Punta Aderci, and this increases the link with the territory through environmental responsibility and the sustainable approach with the use of post-consumer raw materials “second life”, focus of the circular economy. Another strong point is the contemporaryity of the products, the result of the company’s adaptation to the new school concept, no longer just frontal. This is because the bench, today, is a modular and adjustable object that is part of the management of a classroom 3.0, in which the arrangement is flexible and changes according to the new educational needs. From single-coloured products we have switched to furniture with a plurality of functionality and finishes that are also expressed in colors. All this thanks to production processes that can be traced back to the paradigms of Industry 4.0, from design to design, from computer to machine.
Degree in political science with international orientation and Diploma in high European studies at the European College of Parma. He was a board member of an advisor company specialising in minibond issues. Since November 2016, under the appointment of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, he has been a member of the Management Board of the Body for the Management of the Minor Confidence List (ex art.112 TUB). He is the general coordinator of the projects of Innexta scrl, an in-house company of the Chambers of Commerce specialising in alternative and sustainable finance.
Entrepreneur, consultant and content creator In 2011 he founded the community of Instagramers Italia. In 2018 I co-founded Newmi SRL sb, a Bcorp company that deals with editorial projects with content creator In 2020 his first book, written in 4 hands with Andrea Antoni: “Instagram community and creativity” published by Flaccovio Editore.
Entrepreneur in the field of logistics and industrial transport, founder of the company L. Transport spa with offices in Pescara in Emilia Romagna and Lombardy.
Mother of three beautiful daughters, passionate about life, business and the strength of women, she never stopped believing that wanting is power and that to do and have so much passion and competence are needed.
Sanja Šimić, PhD of Economics — field of management, and a graduate mechanical engineer. She started her 25-year career as the head of the Maintenance and Investment Department at the Zagreb Paper Factory. After that, she continued her career in the insurance sector, as the Executive Director of Marketing, and from 2007 to 2015 as the President of the Management Board. Since September 2015, she has been employed at the Croatian Chamber of Commerce, and since July 1, 2018, she has been running the Center for Digital Development. She is the operational leader of the Digital Chamber project — a communication platform for businesses, public administration and citizens. She has lectured at higher education institutions, business schools and educational centers and has presented at numerous scientific and professional conferences and seminars. She is the author of several scientific and professional papers published in scientific publications and journals and a member of the National Council for the Digital Economy of the Republic of Croatia. She has completed a specialised education at IMD Business School and is a holder of the Leading
Head of the Offices of the Agency of Zagreb and Sarajevo
Ms. Marzoli is the Italian Trade Commissioner to Slovenia and Head of the Trade Promotion Section of the Embassy of Italy in Ljubljana. She is a career Government Officer within the Italian Trade Agency, the Governmental agency under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation that supports the business development of Italian companies abroad and promotes foreign investment towards Italy. She graduated in Rome magna cum laude in Foreign Literatures, with a master’s degree in Marketing and Communication. Throughout her career, she has been active with increasing responsibilities in an international setting to foster Italian international trade and business relations, assisting the entry or expansion of Italian companies in foreign markets. She holds a relevant experience in business development and building relations between Italian manufacturers and foreign leading companies. She also coordinated the Italian Ministry of Economic Development’s project to promote Milan’s candidacy at the 2015 Expo. In 2017 she was Head of the 1st Project on Female Entrepreneurship, dedicated to Mediterranean Countries and Organised by the Italian Trade Agency and the Italian Ministry of Economic Development. After a specific training in Brussels within the European Commissions, she became Head for promotional projects with FESR funding dedicated to Italy’s Southern Regions. She worked several years in communications as editor of the Agency’s official newsletters and magazines on foreign markets and international relations. Among her pro bono activities, she was a volunteer for the Italian Red Cross and the American-Italian Cancer Foundation.
Piero comes from the world of artificial intelligence research. He wrote the first neural network from zero to 19 years. After a period as a researcher at La Sapienza and CNR, he offers consulting, training and mentoring services to companies in the field of machine and deep learning.
Alessandro Corsini is Professor of Fluid Machines, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome. Founder of the research group for the innovation of machines and energy systems, he studied the modeling of complex engineering systems through Artificial Intelligence. He has published over 190 works, of which 89 articles in international journals, and 10 international patents. Alessandro Corsini is co-founder of SED Solutions for Energy and Diagnostics Srl, spin-off Sapienza.
An expert in Open Data and better known as Piersoft on social networks, he is Open Data Manager of the Municipality of Matera and consultant of PA for Digital Agenda. Since 2013 she has been managing and promoting Matera’s candidacy for Capital of Culture 2019 through the Community portal. Proudly a member of Wikitalia’s management, for some years he has been working mainly on the development of iOS, Android and now on the Telegram API. Since 2014 he has been an Open Data consultant for the Municipality of Lecce and trainer Coding for the Puglia Form Network on behalf of the Regional School Office. Champion club CoderDojo Lecce. Today it manages on behalf of Agid/FormezPA the portal of the government
Patrizia Di Tullio is a research fellow at the Department of Economics of the “G. d’Annunzio” University of Chieti-Pescara and Researcher dedicated to the project “The Future of Business: Business models for change and innovation" promoted by the Department of Economics and the Chamber of Commerce of Chieti-Pescara
Luca Pagliari, professional journalist, storyteller and director, has created a long series of television programs, traveling campaigns, training, awareness-raising and prevention projects. Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Ministry of the Environment, State Police, Miur and many other prestigious public and private bodies, have entrusted him with important national prevention and awareness-raising projects. As a trainer and consultant he collaborates with prestigious groups and associations (Confindustria, Nestlè, Intesa San Paolo and many others). Its original dynamic and innovative communicative key has been unanimous for years. Luca Pagliari has been Director of Radio Dimensione Sound programs, has conducted programs on Radio Rai, Radio24 and Radio Dee Jay. He has created and conducted numerous television programs for Raitre, Raiuno, Rai Educational, Tele Montecarlo, National Geographic, Stream, Tele+. He is the author of several books, social theatre shows and numerous documentaries.