2021 programme
17 November

#dayone | startup
modera: Nino Germano, Deputy Editor-in-Chief TGR Abruzzo
Registration Participants
Institutional greetings:
Gennaro Strever, President of Chamber of Commerce Chieti Pescara
Letizia Chassis, President of the Development Agency Chamber of Commerce Chieti Pescara
By Carlo Masci, mayor of the city of Pescara
Daniele D’Amario, Councillor Economic Development Tourism and Culture, Abruzzo Region
Stefano Cianciotta, President of Abruzzo Development
The Chambers of Commerce for Innovation and Digitalisation:
Andrea Sammarco, Deputy Secretary General Unioncamere
Antonio Romeo, director DINTEC Consortium for Technological Innovation
Paolo Ghezzi, director General Infocamere Scpa
Michele De Vita, Secretary General Chamber of Commerce Chieti Pescara
Presentation Analysis on the digitisation of enterprises in the provinces of Chieti and Pescara
Paolo Cortese, senior project manager Centro Studi G. Tagliacarne Roma
Presentation and launch Hackathon: Honda Italy
Alessandro Donatelli, HR Development Manager
Domenico Savino, EHS manager — RSPP
14.30 – 17.30
Room PID
Point Forum Digital Enterprise (PID) of the Adriatic
- Sharing, experiences and projects of the Point of Digital Enterprise
- The projects of the chamber system and the role of PIDs
- Seminar on joint projects and initiatives with cross-border EU funds
Interventions of:
Andrea Sammarco, Deputy Secretary General Unioncamere
Antonio Romeo, director of Dintec
Luca Zanetta, RESPO
Sanja Simic, director of the Centre for Digital Development of the Croatian National Chamber of Commerce in Zagreb
Giovanni Marcantonio, operational Manager Development Agency — EEN Enterprise Europe Network —
Funds for Start-Ups and Spin-Offs
Alfonso Nardi, senior business analyst, Invitalia s.p.a.
Stefano Tomei, CEO of twenty-five, Club Deal of Starting Finance
Ciro Di Carluccio, CEO of Archangel Investor Venture Capital
Francesco Mazzocco, manager of Lazio-Abruzzo-Marche, Intesa San Paolo
Giacomo D’Ignazio, President of FIRA
Giuseppe Morelli, BluHub
Institutional greetings
Gennaro Strever, President of Chamber of Commerce Chieti Pescara
Presentation of Pitch
Selection and Evaluation of Projects
Delivery Naming Prize by the Sponsors and Partners of StartCup Abruzzo
Presentation of Winners prizes:
Changes — CNA Abruzzo
Oscar Green — Coldiretti Abruzzo
Appointment of the 4 teams that will represent Abruzzo at National Innovation Award
Abruzzo StartCup Award 2021 Best Start-Up
Abruzzo StartCup Award 2021 at Best Spin-Off
Abruzzo StartCup Award 2021 Best Business Idea
Conclusions and Closure of Works:
Federico Fioriti,director of Innovalley
Letizia Chassis,President of the Development Agency Chamber of Commerce Chieti Pescara
Enrico Marramiero, President of the jury Startcup Abruzzo 2021
Closing first day
Performance of the pianist Michele Di Toro.
November 18th

#daytwo — enterprises
modera: Massimiliano Falcone
PhD, SDGs Communications Strategist and Professor, IULM University and Connect4Climate — World Bank Group
Opening Works: Marco Frey, Professor of Economics and Business Management, leader of the Sustainability Management Research Group (SuM) at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Study of Pisa and Global Compact Italian Network Chairman
Germano De Sanctis, director DPH — Department of Economic Development — Tourism Abruzzo Region,
Marco Zappalorto, business unit innovation Valdani Vicari & Associati — Milan
Gianmarco Paglietti, Innexta Milan
Mladen Kostic, chief technology office Intera Technology Park — Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina (linked)
Eduardo Díaz Sánchez, head of unit, New Technology Based Firms Foundation Madri+D — Madrid, Spain (linked)
Sanja Simic, director of the Centre for Digital Development of the Croatian National Chamber of Commerce — Zagreb (Croatia)
Nicola Cerantola, founder and Director Ecologing — Madrid, Spain (in connection)
Emidio Salvatorelli, President & CEO Vastarredo Srl — Vasto (CH)
Marco Belisario, CEO Belisario Srl — Città Sant’Angelo (PE)
Fabiano Izzo, co-founder and CEO Astrakode Srl — Pescara
Luigi Jovacchini, CEO Consulting & Resources Milan
Angelo D’Ottavio, Abrex Srl — Chieti
Giancarlo AlfanI, I'll leave
Matteo Fusco, co-founder & CEO Beople Srl — Milan
Bruno De Nisco, innovation manager Teckno Idea Srl — Pescara
Ubaldo Spina, senior business development manager — Design & SMEs, New Technologies & Design Department, CETMA — Brindisi
Nicola Allegretta, position of high responsibility (poer) Taxes, Anti-fraud and Controls Section of the Customs Office of Pescara — Pescara
Fabio Di Memmo, Vice President Digitalisation Aptar Group
Lido Legnini, Vice President Vicar Chamber of Commerce Chieti Pescara
Fernando Di Fabrizio, President De Rerum Natura Soc. Consortile
Closure of Works
Kathleen Rogers, President of Earthday.org (linked)
15.00 – 17.00
Room PID
Educational Robotics Laboratory
in collaboration with Stem@it
Students of the Tinozzi Media School in Pescara will learn tinkering, to mount robots by hand to program them, to give them intelligence and life.
Tour of women doing business:
stop in Pescara with a round table “Women and Innovation”
Modera: Nino Germano, Deputy Editor-in-Chief TGR Abruzzo
Institutional greetings
Gennaro Strever, President of Chamber of Commerce Chieti Pescara
Luciana Ferrone, President CIF Committee for Female Entrepreneurship Chieti Pescara
Tiziana Pompeii, director General Si.Camera — Deputy Secretary General Unioncamere
The Future of Business: business models for change and innovation.
Research presentation in collaboration with the Department of Economics (DEC) of the University “G. D’Annunzio” of Chieti — Pescara
Michele Antonio Rea, Full Professor of Business Economics — Director of the Department of Economics — University “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti-Pesca
Matteo La Torre, Researcher of Business Economics Department of Economics — University of “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti-Pescara
Patrizia Di Tullio, Department of Economics — University “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti-Pescara
Simone D’Alessandro, research Director of Fondazione Hubruzzo and Professor of Sociology
Top of the Pid 2021
Modera: Nino Germano, Deputy Editor-in-Chief TGR Abruzzo
Presentation/Interviews of the company from Abruzzo, winner of the National Top of the Pid Award, smart manufacturing at national level and the other 11 participants:
- Tekno Idea Srl, Pescara,
- Beyond S.r.l., Pescara
- NXS Srl, Pescara
- Blue Sea, Turin Di Sangro,
- Turiosando Events, Chieti
- Copyright © Copyright © 2019
- Privacy & Cookies Policy
- Gilda Srl, Montesilvano
- Best Vasto Srls, Vast
- Optimis Srl, Vasto
- Bikelife Live Your Passion, Francavilla al Mare
- Lannutti Costantino Srl, Perano
19 November

#daythree — students
modera: Paola Guarnieri
radio Rai journalist
Gennaro Strever, President of Chamber of Commerce Chieti Pescara
Antonella Tozza, general Director of Regional School Office
The company of being there.
with Luca Pagliari, journalist and Storyteller
Skills for the work of the future, entrepreneurial culture and innovation
National project for the attestation of competences in the field of mechatronics
Claudio Gagliardi, Deputy Secretary General Unioncamere (in liaison)
Sabrina De Santis, Education and Training Director Federmeccanica (in connection)
Paolo Raschiatore, President of ITS Meccanica Lanciano
Anna Maria Giusti, ISS School Leader of Savoia Chieti
Entrepreneurship and innovation, from vocation to mission
Marina D’Ambrosio, manager Junior Achievement — Ideas in Action
Giuseppe Toletti, teacher ITCG Aterno-Manthoné Pescara
Walter D’Amario, Executive Master in Digital Marketing Ud’anet
Serena Manzone, Yes I Start Up — Development Agency
Laura Crognale, Cultural Cloud
From Stem to Steam. Technology and Science with Art are the center!
Franco Amicucci, President of Skilla
Hotels in Ferrara, IBM Italy — Nerd Is Not Robe for Women
Xiaoye (Laura) Wu — founder Stem@it, Guest Professor-Entrepreneurship Shanghai Normal University
Gianluca Diodati, Dthe Rector INFOBASIC Abruzzo Next Generation
Maria Pia Lentinio, school leader ISS Volta Pescara
Constancy Knight, headmaster Algiers Marino — Casoli Coordinatrice Presidi Regione Abruzzo
Donatella Furia, director of ISIA Pescara
Nominated Winner “Hackathon” Honda Italy
Alessandro Donatelli, HR development manager — Honda UK
Domenico Savino, EHS manager — RSPP — Honda UK