VisionTalk – Plenary Room
Moderator of the morning: Massimo Cerofolini
Journalist, radio host, TV author and screenwriter. Currently, with the qualification of Head of Service, he curates and conducts the Eta Beta program, on Radio1 Rai, dedicated to the impacts of technologies on our lives. He is the author and correspondent of the TV program “Codice – La vita is digital” broadcast on Rai1 and together with Barbara Carfagna curates and conducts the original podcast on RaiPlaySound “Codice Beta” dedicated to visionaries of innovation. On RaiPlaySound he also signed the podcasts The Doubles of the World and The Sense of the Future. For Radio1 Rai he covers the themes of technology in Gr and in broadcasts such as Radio Anch’io, Sportello Italia and Mary Pop.
He has worked in the past for Paese Sera, Ansa, Italia Oggi, L’Espresso, Tg3 and Gr3. As a screenwriter he has written subjects and scripts for the television series on RaiUno, Papa Giovanni, Mother Teresa, Papa Luciani, and for Mediaset, Il Generale Dalla Chiesa.
Institutional greetings
- Gennaro Strever — President Chamber of Commerce Chieti Pescara
- Giuseppe Tripoli — Secretary-General Unioncamere
- Ivano Lapergola — President of the Development Agency of Chamber of Commerce Chieti Pescara
- By Carlo Masci — mayor of the City of Pescara
- Diego Ferrara — mayor of the City of Chieti
- Marco Marsilio — President of Abruzzo Region
Energy efficiency and digitalisation: solutions to support companies
curated by Giuseppe Marco Litta, Head of Territorial Directorate Centro Est – BPER Banca
The impact of higher energy prices and the role of green and digital investments – Analysis 2023
curated by the Study Centre “G. Tagliacarne”
Tenergy ransitation: where are we?
- Gennaro Strever — President Chamber of Commerce Chieti Pescara
- Antonio Romeo — Director Dintec
- Alberto Geri — Full Professor of Electrical Systems for Energy at La Sapienza University of Rome
- Enrico Gagliano — contract professor of the University “Alma Mater Studiorum” of Bologna
- Paolo Arrigoni — President GSE Energy Services Manager SpA
- Roberto Spice — responsible TECHNOLOGIES Directorate RIT Terna Rete Italia S.p.A. Rome
- Giuseppe Di Marco — President Legambiente Abruzzo