The protagonists of the second day of Visionaria students who have been awarded the ‘Stories of alternance and skills’ prize
Pescara, 21 November 2024 – Stories of alternation and skills: for the high school section, the ‘Alessandro Volta’ high school in Ortona with the ‘Volta in volta, la scienza che fa notizia’ project; for vocational schools, the Ipsias di Marzio Michetti di Pescara with the ‘Incluseye’ project; for technical institutes, the ‘Filippo Palizzi’ Technical Institute in Vasto with the project ‘Adopt id – new challenges for the future’.
In a Becci pavilion at the Marina di Pescara tourist port, packed with over two hundred students, as part of Visionaria, the Adriatic Forum on Innovation and Energy Transition, organised by the Chieti Pescara Chamber of Commerce and the Development Agency, held its week-long award ceremony.
The award strengthens the role of the Chamber of Commerce system in the alternation between school and work which, this year, involved important local bodies such as Brioni and Stellantis and national bodies such as the sports editorial staff of Sky tg24, which worked alongside the Maior high school in Pescara, ranked third in the high school section.
‘Stories of alternation and skills’ is an initiative promoted by the Chambers of Commerce and Unioncamere with the aim of enhancing and giving visibility to stories of alternation carried out as part of Pathways for Transversal Competences and Guidance, enhanced alternation, curricular internships and apprenticeship paths (I and III level) carried out by students of Italian schools in the second cycle of education and the ITS Academy on issues of digital transition, environmental sustainability, social inclusion, tourism and culture, agri-food, mechatronics, the fashion system, made in Italy.
The day opened with the vision of Emanuele Sacco, a start-upper, who was awarded the title of Alfiere del lavoro, for having launched the ‘Pitch4you’ project in the middle of the pandemic, with the aim of supporting, from a technological point of view, adolescents forced by the pandemic into their homes.
The ‘Luca da Penne – Mario dei fiori’ higher education institution in Penne, which won second place with its Alta gamma project in collaboration with Brioni, also took part in the prize.
“The mismatch between the world of work and the world of education is still very high” – underlines Gennaro Strever, President of the Chieti Pescara Chamber of Commerce. One in two companies struggles to find the worker they need. We try to engage with schools and universities to bridge this gap and this award is one of the many actions we promote.”
Students of all levels are among the protagonists of Visionaria: the students of the universities of Abruzzo, from the faculties of economics and engineering at the D’Annunzio University of Chieti Pescara to that of engineering in L’Aquila, passing through that of communication sciences in Teramo, were involved in all the tables.
But the pavilion has also become a place of international contacts thanks to the presence of the ICE Agency, which has organised a focus on African markets as part of the Export Flying Desk Abruzzo programme, in which the Development Agency is a territorial partner.
The topic of artificial intelligence, which was the protagonist of the panels aimed at public administration and businesses, was the glue to all activities. Tomorrow, SMAU, the biggest business accelerator, will also be the last day to visit VisionArt, an experiential area organised in collaboration with the production activities department of the Abruzzo Region, where equipment and experts are available to show how new technologies can be applied to the craft sector.